Suburban Panic!

13 June 2007

Weirdness ensues.

  The weirdness started on my way to the train this morning. I've been walking to the train almost every morning for nine months, and I noticed for the first time that there's a funeral home about two blocks from our house! It's in an average rowhouse sized space; the exterior is so nondescript, and the sign so small and bland, that it just never registered.

  So this morning as I'm walking past it, I hear this scream, like somebody getting stabbed. I snapped out of my usual morning sleepwalk, and my eyes caught the sign. I listened for a minute, but I didn't hear anything else, so I decided to get going.

  When I got to the station, another totally random thing happened. After just missing the first train (of course!), I was sitting on the platform, and this guy comes walking up and asks if I have a band-aid. I said no, and he says that a homeless guy bit him! He showed me this wound on his upper arm, and I'll be damned if it didn't look like a bite mark. Because of my pack-rat tendencies, I had a big wad of convenience store napkins in my bag, so I gave him those so he could at least cover the wound. He said he had a first-aid kit at work, so I figured that would hold him until he got there.

  He wandered away and sat down, and I got absorbed in the silly little train station newspaper. We got on the train when it came a few minutes later. When I got off in Center City, I happened to catch sight of him, and he didn't look so hot. He was awfully pale, and his head was nodding like he was about to pass out. I think maybe he was in some kind of shock. I felt bad leaving him there, but I was on the verge of being late, and I'm so NOT a doctor that I'm kind of anti-matter doctor; anything I do tends to make things worse. Besides, there were a bunch of people on the train already, so I figure somebody would help him out if he got any worse.

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