Suburban Panic!

13 June 2007

  People are leaving. I heard a few people talking about going home, but I didn't really notice how many. I just looked around the office, and it looks like barely half of us are still here. The rest of us aren't getting any work done. Some people are standing around speculating, others (like me) are searching for information online.

  Things are getting even weirder out on the street. People are wandering around like they're stoned. I wonder how much weed it would take to bake an entire city block...

  It's not just Philly. I'm finding reports of odd stuff from all over the place. The "real" news is almost useless. They're talking around it, reporting on traffic jams and other stuff. What I'm finding online, though, is just crazy. Blogs from all over are calling it zombies. Zombies? I'm all for creative hysteria, but come on.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's happening alright. Right now my town is a big campfire and the people are the marshmellows.

Good luck!

-- Obvious