Suburban Panic!

22 March 2003

Why is it
that as soon as you're stable and moving on, ex's come crawling back on their hands and knees?
-The BestMan...the BetterMan
Dear B.M.,
(Heh heh. B.M.)
  Are you complaining? Life has given you a golden opportunity to fuck with this person as much as you want. If your former partner is really groveling, you now have free reign to make him/her suffer as much as you have since you were dumped.
  Of course, this all hinges on you actually being stable and moving on. If you're still secretly hung up on your ex, this is really all a cruel joke. You'll let the person who done you wrong back into your life, only to be hurt again. Then again, if you're really completely recovered, then your desire for revenge should have evaporated by now. In which case, you should break your ex's heart anyway, in honor of everyone who isn't as stable as yourself.