Suburban Panic!

01 January 2007

Dear Little Bald Bastard,
  How do I ask a question?
- Insanely Curious
Dear Curious,
  All you have to do is click here to leave your question as a comment to this post, or send an email to lbb(at)suburbanpanic[dot]com. Your question and answer will appear on the main page at some indeterminate future time.

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Anonymous said...

Why does a cursive capital letter Q not look anything like a Q?

Do you ever leave a penny? Have you ever taken a penny?

Do you like french fries dipped in a milk shake? Is your milk shake better than mine?

Anonymous said...

Hey, Little Bald Bastard, long time listener first time caller...

What is the proper way to bludgeon a co-worker without getting in trouble or looking like an asshole?

The Lemon Fairy said...

Dear Little Bald Bastard,

Who would win in an advice column fight to the death: Ask LBB or Ask A Ninja?

Anonymous said...

Dear LBB,

Why are "word verifications" on websites not real words?

What's the best sin to commit in Sin City?

Bucky Katt or Satchel Pooch?

How come Coach bags cost so much when they're probably made by starving children in Nairobi getting paid three cents a day?


mcpierce said...

Dear Little Bald Bastard,

How will I know if you've answered my question?

Anonymous said...

Dear LBB,

What's the deal with putting your seat back in the upright position when your plane is landing? Will the three-inch chasm between upright and reclined make any difference?

Seriously, this keeps me up at night, and Friend Brian says I should ask.

Solve the mystery, man.


Anonymous said...

Dear LBB,

My boyfriend has been reading "The Secret" -- with a highlighter and taking notes! Is he trying to tell me something?



Bryan said...

Dear LBB,

When the hell will modern science finally find a way to replace my brain's ability to store and recall the original "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" theme with the ability to, say, learn Mandarin?

Slowly losing my mind,

Anonymous said...

Dear Little Bald Bastard,

Why do we celebrate Easter with chocolate eggs and bunnies but NOT with chocolate depictions of the Lord? (ie,

Wouldn't Chocolate Mini-Christs make more sense?

Can you get in touch with the fine folks at Reese's and get this going?

Chocolate Christ be with you,

Jenn said...

Dear LBB,

What the hell is up with the word "Nor'easter" being bandied about when the NE weather is blowing goats in size order? It doesn't save any time at all as opposed to the saying/writing of "Northeaster," does it? Or do we just need to feel all cute and clever when the weather is complete shit?

Help! This will keep me up tonight!

Anonymous said...

Why do you have so many Askers of the Bastard named Jen(n)?

- An anonymous non-Jen(n) entity

Anonymous said...

Where has all the rum gone?

Capt. JS

Recreant/Miscreant said...

Where can I find Trolling Fundies?

Anonymous said...

Why oh why? Delilah?

Anonymous said...

Why is douche such a funny word?


Anonymous said...

Why are Tom and Jerry so mean to each other?


Anonymous said...

I heard you were in law school. How can you be that AND be such a slacker?

- Genevieve

Anonymous said...

where can you go check out a porn flick being filmed here in Los angeles.

Frank Bardon said...

Feel free to delete this comment as soon as possible:

I absolutely love reading the random shit that you write in this blog. You seem to have a steady stream of posts and if I keep coming back, there's bound to be others that will enjoy it.

If you want I could setup some advertising on here for you, nothing huge or in the way... even if you make $4 a month, at least you wouldn't have to pay for that 1 extra half gallon of orange juice.

Just a suggestion.

Ryoga M said...

Over the course of your internet ramblings, what is the most bizarre web site you have ever seen?

Anonymous said...

something interesting...

great blog and journalist

the last comment (at the moment i'm reading it) from philly joe is priceless...

hopefully this will assure people that obama has philly, which means he has pa...


you totally know that the commenter is from philly cuz only outsiders think genos is better