Suburban Panic!

09 July 2004

Dear Little Bald Bastard,
  How do you get a frightened ferret out of your dryer vent?
- Kendrick in 'da boro
Dear Kendrick,
  So many questions occur that, frankly, I'd rather not have answers to. If avoiding the ferret in the vent altogether isn't an option, here are a few tips from my pamphlet, entitled Pets and You: How to Keep from Accidentally Killing Them.
- Reverse psychology: Your pet probably believes he his the smarter member of your dynamic duo. Simply act like you can't figure out where he's gone, and the urge to feel superior will drive him to quit the vent and "reveal" his whereabouts.
- Compliments: Ferrets like to have their egos massaged. In fact, he's probably hiding because you named him "Mr. Wriggly," instead of "The Mighty Cricket-Eater." Whisper to him in your best I'm-in-awe-of-your-amazing-ferretness voice, and he'll be out of the vent and nesting in the couch in no time.
- Run the dryer overnight: Only as a last resort, since in the morning you'll have mummified ferret, which I hear is fabulous with a Camembert and a chilled white wine.

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