Suburban Panic!

02 April 2008

A Modern Translation

  Atheist and self-described "tumbleblogger" Ryoga M celebrates his 1,000th post with the start of a new feature looking at "the greatest plot holes in Bible stories."

God: Oh man! It tastes like chocolate strawberry and brandy. But don't eat it, or you'll live forever! I mean, die! Die. Forget I said live forever.
  It's funny. Go read it. And tell him that, while he's poking about in Genesis, he should take on the creation myth.

1 comment:

Ryoga M said...

Hey, thanks for the link. I have a hard time thinking about the plot holes of the six day creation, one day of rest story because it's all one big plot hole. Contradictory story elements, light before suns, dark as an actual thing that can be separated from light, water in the heavens, etc. etc. It's clear that you have two completely different creation myths smushed all together. It just hurts my brain to think about.

Although, the biggest plot hole to me is the idea that an omnipotent being needs a day of rest. Maybe I can do something with that.