Suburban Panic!

26 March 2008

Necessary Linkage

  Expelled Exposed, a website set up by the National Center for Science Education to counter the lies in the creationist propaganda film Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed.

  I'll be haranguing you about this more thoroughly in the near future. In the meantime, check out Expelled Exposed, and you'll know why I'm foaming at the mouth and biting chunks out of the walls.


M said...

On one of the blogs I read regularly, I saw that a Creationist basher (I forget his name) went to the Expelled premiere, but security goons barred him from going in. The let in his family and his guest.

His guest was Richard Dawkins, whom the security detail didn't recognize.

When I find the cite I'll pass it along.

M said...

Ah, from the horse's mouth: "[A] a producer of the film had specifically instructed [the security guy] that I was not to be allowed to attend."

They said they'd arrest him if he tried to go in, but permitted his family and guest to see the movie.

(And apparently it wasn't the premiere, but a show at the Mall of America, according to Myers's post.)

K.O. Myers said...

I love Pharyngula, and I've had many a giggle at the stupid creationist tricks that have resulted from their gaffe.

It's almost as if they were secretly conspiring with PZ Myers to make themselves look incompetent. I keep expecting somebody to go "Taa-daa! It was all a hoax!"

Ryoga M said...

Awesome post, I'm going to link to it in case anyone every asks me how I feel about this assinine movie.