Suburban Panic!

25 September 2007

Question #107:

Dear Little Bald Bastard,
  Can you loan me 50 bucks?
- Fiscaliberal

Dear Fiscaliberal,
  Yes, as long as you can accept it in monthly installments of $.05 for the next 83 years. I'll leave nickels on the floor of the Spring Garden El station. Look for the first one in a few days.

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Lydia Netzer said...

Dammit, that's the same location where *I* am paying off my fifty year loan, nickel by nickel. How will we be able to tell whose is whose?!?! Now everything is ruined.

K.O. Myers said...

That's quite a commute to leave nickels in the El station. Still, in deference to your prior financial arrangement, I will switch to dimes left on a bi-monthly basis. Fiscaliberal will just have to suck it up.