Suburban Panic!

03 September 2003

I don't really have that much to say.
  But, I'm trying to make a commitment to writing more often, so I'm going to share something with you. Here goes.

  As I'm sure you're tired of reading by now, I support my bastardly habits (and pay my half of the rent so Amy won't beat me) by working in a bookstore. We're a chain store, and when managers from other stores take vacations, we sometimes get to go fill in at their stores. Last week, I got to cross the beautiful, cinder-block-clear Delaware River, and fill in at a store in Philth-adelphia.
  I don't get into Philthy as often as I probably should. I'm never cool enough to know what bands are playing, and I do a radio show on Friday nights, so I never get to the First Friday events, where all the art galleries are free and such. So any chance to go to the city and get paid for it is always welcome. I drove my LB butt up to the Patco station and rode the train in, what amounts to triple the commute for basically the same job.
  The first night went pretty well. Counterintuitively, the customers that I interact with in the city tend to be more pleasant than my regular suburban Jerseyites. They're more thankful when you can help them, more gracious when you can't, and they're just tend to be nicer in general. I came to appreciate this all the more on my second night, when I had to ask them all to leave an hour before closing.

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