Suburban Panic!

21 November 2002

Dear Little Bald Bastard,
  Who is the coolest person you know (not met, not read about but actually know on a personal level)? And then you can tell me all about the coolest person you have met and read about... :)
- Kurious Kitty
Hold On There, Kurious,
  That's way too many related questions for my brain to process right now. Let me answer the first part with something that sounds no less cliche' for being absolutely true. The coolest people I know personally are my parents. Mom and Dad Bastard are still married, unlike 80 percent of my friends' parents. Also, they had a very clear idea of when to stop raising me.
  My parents didn't let me get away with too much stupid shit when I was a kid, but after a certain age they understood that it was no longer appropriate to meddle directly in my affairs. They are happy to offer advice, support, and even constructive criticism from time to time, but they are very good about treating me like an adult. They don't pry into my life, they don't offer unsolicited solutions to my problems, and they never, ever lecture me. They are the most awesome Mom and Dad a Bastard could have, and I appreciate them more every time I hear a friend tell a "my Mom won't shut up" story.

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