More Sad News For Geeks
Arthur C. Clarke, technological prophet and pillar of science fiction, is himself now indistinguishable from magic.
Arthur C. Clarke, technological prophet and pillar of science fiction, is himself now indistinguishable from magic.
K.O. Myers
Dear Little Bald Bastard,
How do you spend your time when you aren't being a tool on the Internets?
- Devil in the Details
Dear Devil in the Details,
Although my voluminous post count belies it, I actually do have interests that don't involve telling strangers how stupid I think they are on the Internet. I like to read, I play a video game or two, and I have a lucrative business waxing badgers for private collectors.*
The biggest chunk of my non-bastardly day is taken up by my studies. I'm in my second year of law school, which means I spend approximately eleventy million hours a week poring over casebooks.
As part of my laws school experience, I lucked into an internship with Pennsylvanians For Modern Courts. PMC is a policy group working to reform the judiciary in Pennsylvania, and to educate citizens about how to access and navigate the courts.
Coincidentally, we just launched a new blog, called, which is all about our campaign to replace partisan election of appellate judges with a Merit Selection plan. I'll spare you my pro-Merit screed. I'll just say that I hadn't ever thought about judicial elections before November of 2007. Now I love Merit Selection like a pirate loves booty.
If you like politics, if you're concerned about judicial fairness, or if you just want to help a bastard out, go take a look at See if you can recognize my writing when I'm not allowed to use profanity.
*You don't want to know how hard it is to get insurance.
K.O. Myers
Labels: answer, blogging, law, law school, links, politics, question, real life