Congratulations to my good friend Pab. He recently signed a three year syndication for his webcomic, The New Adventures of Queen Victoria. We're celebrating by revisiting a question he asked right around the time that TNAoQV was just getting started.
Dear Little Bald Bastard,
What do you get when you fall in love?
- Pab
Dear Pab,
If you're very lucky, you get a lifetime of happiness, sprinkled liberally with passionate moments and almost no questions about strange genital growths.
If you're not so lucky, you wind up on Maury for an episode called "My Girlfriend Slept With My Best Friend And Also His Dog And By The Way She's A Man With Three Nuts."
Suburban Panic!
04 April 2007
02 April 2007
MySpace validates its existence, with a question coughed up from the Ask LBB Friend Space.
Dear LBB,
What's the deal with French Canadians?
- Erin
Dear Erin,
Canada is the pudgy sixth grade hall monitor of the western world. Grown-ups are always complimenting it on being polite and well-mannered, but when it tries to warn the bigger kids against running in the hall, they just laugh.
The French, on the other hand, are the awkward, angry kids smoking cigarettes and making out behind the bleachers. Napoleon inflated their already considerable egos, and they've muddled through 200 years of republics trying to simultaneously pretend that they didn't enjoy being the center of an empire, and they didn't mind being rolled over every time some other country decided it was their turn to conquer Europe. Picture these kids who are too cool for school living in a nation full of polite, mild-mannered honor roll students. It's the sociological version of a John Hughes movie, and it goes a long way toward explaining why Quebec has such a secessionist bug up its ass.
K.O. Myers
Labels: answer, Canada, fucking MySpace, question