Gimme a "B"
I've decided, as an experiment, to let my hair grow for a few months. I figure it's cheap insulation for the imminent Jersey winter. It leaves me with a slight dilemma, though. Having hair technically keeps me from being the Little Bald Bastard, and since I'm so picky with other people about technicalities, it only seems right that I should acknowledge my own personally discontinuity with... a contest!
I'm hereby soliciting for suggestions to replace the first "B" in LBB. Post suggestions here, and I'll pick some that I like and have a vote later on. Enjoy.
- LB?B
Suburban Panic!
16 October 2003
15 October 2003
I thoroughly enjoyed School of Rock.
Despite the fact that Jack Black is almost embarrasingly over the top, even when he's not on camera, SOR was funny, smart, and surprisingly warm. There seemed to be a real connection between Black as the music-obsessed counterfeit substitute teacher and his class of prep-school kids. I realize that I'm getting a little old, because the over-use of the word ass from a group of ten-year-olds made me cringe a bit, but on the whole it was worth the money. Not really worth the accident Amy and I almost got into, but that wasn't the movie's fault.
K.O. Myers
12 October 2003
Amanda Jan Got Married.
Let's get something straight right off the bat. My friends, younger and older, have been getting married and having babies (sometimes in that order, sometimes not) for years. But something about it still freaks me out just a little.
Amanda was the youngest member of the DoomSpork V, a group of friends/imaginary superheroes that I helped to found when I was attending Cumberland County College. There were, as I'm sure you've guessed, six of us. =) We started with five, added one later, and generally jumbled things about. We were the coolest thing on campus, and in the surrounding three counties. I'll tell you more about the group and its members later.
Anywho, Amanda was the youngest of us. She was a bit of a hellion, and now she's all grown up and responsible and married. We haven't hung out as a group more than once in about five years, and now we never really can again. We weren't exactly a coherent unit anymore, but this is sort of the last nail in the coffin.
Amanda isn't just Amanda anymore, she's half of Amanda + Rob. I am very, very happy for her. For a long time it looked like she couldn't possibly find a functional partner, and Rob seems like a really fantastic guy. Together, they prove that opposites can go beyond attracting to complimenting each other. Still, their marriage makes concrete a reality than, deep down, I have been studiously avoiding.
K.O. Myers
I am still a national radio star.
Check out The Pab Sungenis Project, featuring yours surly as guest host for two weeks.
K.O. Myers